LINKS TO HELPFUL WEBSITES (SARRC website) An Autism support website designed to support, inform and network families with children on the spectrum.

Sign Language site that has videos of signing words and phrases:

Arizona Department of Developmental Disabilities:
This site will help with understanding the rules and regulations related to receiving services with DDD as well as other helpful information.

Arizona Center for Disability Law:
The Arizona Center for Disability Law helps advocate for the rights of those with disabilities as it relates to receiving an adequate education, workers rights and more.

Click the link below to view a video clip on administering CPR and First Aid:
This is for review purposes only. DDD requires providers to be certified in a CPR course where CPR is physically practiced. An online only CPR course would not meet the requirements for CPR certification.

Click here for a link for a parent-to-parent support group and an information and training organization for parents who are Raising Special Needs Kids

How to recognize and help in the event of a seizure

How to recognize and help when a seizure is happening
What to do if someone is having a seizure.

Following are books and other resources that are helpful for those who care for children with developmental disabilities:

The Out-of-Sync
Child by Carol Stock Kranowitz
This book is filled with helpful information in recognizing and coping with sensory integration disorder. A great many children with disabilities suffer from this disorder along with their main diagnosed disorder.

The Out-of-Sync Child Has Fun
by Carol Stock Kranowitz
This book is filled with activities for kids with sensory integration disorder.

The Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills (The ABLLS)
by James W. Partington Ph.D. & Mark L. Sundberg, Ph.D.
This is an assessment, curriculum guide, and a skills tracking system for children with autism or other developmental disabilities.